About Me
Getting Into Design
My name is Ivor, and I have been a graphic designer in the print industry for over 20 years. I began by studying graphic design at college, and one day we had a visitor who asked if I could design a bird logo for his company. When I showed him the idea I had came up with, he gave me a position in his company. I’ve worked in the graphic design industry ever since and over many years I have built up relationships with clients who have followed me throughout my career. I consider myself honest, reliable, professional, and I’m here to help.
Which Led To...
I’m always keen to learn new skills, and I got into photography shortly after beginning my career in graphic design. One of the highlights of my photography career so far has to be seeing one of my own photographs on a billboard inside Glasgow Central Station in an advert for Tiso Outdoor Clothing. I have been the wedding photographer of choice for many friends, and I am also a keen landscape photographer. I have continued to learn about the print industry from humble beginnings in the preparation of basic artwork for print, to more modern digital displays, websites and social media, to the intricacy of designing multiple page projects suitable for large print runs. You can be sure of receiving high quality, print-ready artwork that requires no manipulation by your existing printing company, however I can also liaise directly to provide all types of print such as business cards, letterheads, banners, ncr pads, outdoor signs, Christmas cards any other type of hard copy print you can imagine.
The Name
The name and inspiration to start my own company came from my dog, Indy, a border collie who, while building his confidence, helped me build my own. We are a team, and we work together day in, day out. You will see more of him soon, as he wants to help me with advertising and promotions! Feel free to contact me regarding any design, print or photography work you require and I will be only too happy to help.